The Xi is the most advanced version of the da Vinci robot. With this approach, patients typically receive smaller incisions, lose less blood, and stay fewer days in the hospital. These advantages over both open and traditional laparoscopic surgery typically lead to less pain and reduced infection risk.
These advantages also give a faster return of potency and continence for the urological patient, as well as a better rate of cancer control.
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The da Vinci Xi allows several advances over traditional laparoscopic surgery. Unlike laparoscopic instruments, which require the surgeon to reverse and/or invert his or her hand motions, the robotic arms translate a surgeon's hand movements as they occur.
The da Vinci provides a second camera, which allows for 10-12x magnification in 3-D color. For reference, traditional laparoscopy provides only one camera for a 2-D view. The Xi oblique camera can even see around corners. This permits views, for example, under the prostate. The robotic arms, inserted through small incisions held open with plastic tubes called "ports", have instruments as tiny as a fingernail. These tiny instruments are articulated, allowing the urologist to cut the absolute minimum tissue necessary, thus sparing nerves and preventing blood loss.
Urologists find the da Vinci Xi robot particularly useful for prostatectomy, nephrectomy, and cystectomy procedures, all of which involve removing cancerous tissues. The robot can also be used in pyeloplasty procedures, which involves removing a blockage between the kidney and ureter.
All men over 50 should have regular digital rectal exams and PSA (prostate special antigen) screenings, because prostate cancer doesn't often present early warning signs. Screenings should begin at 40 for African-American men, as well as men with a brother or father with prostate cancer.
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men. Its symptoms include blood in the urine and frequent or painful urination. Caucasian men are especially at risk. Its surgical treatment is a cystectomy.
Kidney cancer also has symptoms of bloody, painful and/or frequent urination with possible back pain. Its treatment is called a partial or full nephrectomy, which is a surgery to remove the diseased parts of the kidney.
For each of these procedures, the da Vinci Xi provides the most advanced tools. It helps to ensure smaller incisions, targeted tissue removal, nerve preservation, and less blood loss and scarring. Some patients even leave the hospital on the same day. The Xi empowers the surgeon to do a thorough job excising cancerous tissue while sparing the healthy parts of the organ.
In cases such as these, a surgeon using a da Vinci Xi is the twenty-first century's best standard of care.
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