Rezūm treats symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) with a minimally invasive method.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a condition characterized by prostate enlargement. This is a relatively common condition among men, especially as they get older.

Your doctor can help you determine if Rezūm therapy is a good fit for you.

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What is Rezūm Therapy?

This therapy treats the symptoms of BPH using water vapor. It is minimally invasive and utilizes a special device--it involves the use of radio waves, so it is a type of transurethral needle ablation. This treatment does not use radio waves for heat, though. Instead, these waves are used to produce water vapor via thermal energy.

Qualifying for Rezūm Therapy

Ideal patients for this procedure have an enlarged prostate that is causing symptoms in the lower urinary tract. However, candidates do not have any serious medical issues contributing to their enlarged prostate symptoms. The doctor will examine the underlying cause of the patient’s prostate enlargement. They will also evaluate the patient’s symptoms thoroughly.

It is common for the doctor to do urine, blood, and imaging tests to evaluate the patient. How BPH affects the urethra and the overall size of the prostate are also considered.


Rezūm Therapy Procedure

Rezūm therapy only requires a single appointment. There is limited preparation, making it convenient for patients and their doctor. The patient will be awake throughout the procedure. In some cases, the urethra may be numbed with a local anesthetic or gel to promote comfort. However, general anesthesia is not necessary.

The small device is inserted and placed near the prostate via the urethra. The doctor operates the device so that it causes damage to the cell structures. This ultimately results in the prostate reducing in size. The procedure is relatively short. Once it is done, patients are usually able to prepare to go home without monitoring.

What to Expect Following Rezūm Therapy

Patients can typically go home after this procedure. Most are able to drive themselves without an issue. It is recommended that patients rest up to three days before resuming their normal schedule. Within a few weeks, patients might start to see fewer and less severe urinary symptoms, especially regarding nighttime urination habits.

It is common for the doctor to schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that the patient is healing properly. Following this therapy, several BPH-related symptoms may be improved:

  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Incomplete voiding
  • Leakage during urination
  • Fading or weak urine stream
  • Straining during urination
  • Urge-based incontinence
Joel Gelman, M.D.
Male Urology
HS Clinical Professor-VCF
Faysal A. Yafi, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.
Male Urology
Associate Professor of Urology, Director of Newport Beach Urology, Director of Men's Health, Chief, Division of Men's Health and Reconstructive Urology
Ramy Youssef Yaacoub, M.D.
Male Urology
HS Assistant Clinical Professor
Akhil K. Das
Akhil K. Das, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Urology / Endourology / Voiding Dysfunction
HS Clinical Professor

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