
The Department of Urology is pleased to have 32 volunteer faculty members on its roster this year. These faculty bring to the department a demonstrated educational benefit because of their special expertise and broad experience. A number of these faculty complete their teaching duties at affiliated hospitals where the UC Irvine Urology residents rotate.

Volunteer faculty members must contribute a minimum of 75 hours per year to maintain their appointment. This donated time comes in many forms:

  • Participation in Grand Rounds and other conferences
  • Supervision in the resident clinics
  • Presentations at teaching sessions for medical students and residents
  • Admission of patients to the hospital
  • Operating with the resident staff in the operating rooms

Many of our volunteer faculty have attained prominence in scientific societies or scholarly achievement in the form of publications. Most are board certified in their specialty; some have former teaching experience and/or a busy private practice.

Candidates for appointment to the volunteer clinical faculty ranks are judged on training, teaching ability, experience, clinical competence, and participation in medical organizations.

An annual review is conducted within the department to determine eligibility for appointment or promotion, and the level of individual participation.

Clinical Professor

Benderev, Theodore MD
Faysal, Mohammad MD
Kobashi, Luis MD
Sadoughi, Nader MD
Turbow, Bernard MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Baghdassarian, Ruben MD
Bonney, William MD
Choi, Junghwan MD
Chopra, Ashok MD
Gelman, Joel MD
Ruzics, Ervin MD
Szabo, Richard MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Chuang, Yenning MD
Gabal-Shehab, Lamia MD
Houshiar, Amir MD
Kaufman, Jeffrey MD
Mehta, Manilal MD
Spitz, Aaron MD
Yun, Edward MD

Nothing but the absolute best in patient care & treatment.

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