Overall, drinking a lot of water is good for your full body health. Thus, drinking a lot of water is good for your prostate. Every organ in your body depends on proper hydration to function normally and efficiently. While the traditional advice is to drink eight 8-ounce cups of water daily, that may not necessarily be adequate. Larger individuals require more water than smaller individuals. A good rule of thumb is to drink enough water so that your urine is colorless. Most of us think that the urine should be yellow. But the paler the urine is, the more likely you are to be adequately hydrated.
It is also true that the more water you drink, the more you will need to empty your bladder. If you have an enlarged prostate, this may become bothersome because with an enlarged prostate often there’s more difficulty emptying the bladder completely. Some underlying diseases, like kidney or heart failure require a limit to fluid intake.
Good hydration is better for your kidneys, your intestinal system, your skin and complexion. It is better for your overall health, so it is better for your prostate.
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