The most common kidney stone signs and symptoms are like many other conditions or diseases. As a result, these kidney stone symptoms are often misdiagnosed or mistaken as other illness.
Conditions that can be mistaken for kidney stones, sharing similar symptoms:
The most prominent symptoms of kidney stones are severe abdominal or lower back pain. When patients visit the emergency room or their primary care doctor to discuss these symptoms, they can be mistaken as either appendicitis or general lower back pain. Appendicitis is inflammation of a patient’s appendix, located in the lower right side of the abdomen. Some symptoms of appendicitis include sharp abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and migration of the pain to different parts of the lower abdomen. This is very similar to the symptoms presented by patients with kidney stones.
Other symptoms associated with kidney stones can be mistaken for a urinary tract infection (UTI). Patients who have kidney stones may experience blood in the urine (hematuria), foul-smelling urine, abdominal or pelvic pain, and frequent urination. Similarly, patients who have an active UTI will encounter lower abdominal pain, cloudy or bloody urine, and the persistent urge to urinate. Additionally, UTI’s are very common occurrences across the United States.
Moreover, due to the sudden onset of abdominal pain that patients experience with kidney stones, patients with kidney stones can be mistaken for having the stomach flu or virus. Many patients will not know that they have a kidney stone until they experience the severe and sudden pain that is associated with having kidney stones. As a result, it may be mistaken for a stomach infection or food poisoning. Patients with kidney stones have such immense pain that they often feel nauseous or vomit. Furthermore, the abdominal pain that occurs with kidney stones are like the pain that is caused from a stomach infection.
If you encounter any of these symptoms you should always consult with your physician so that you can be properly diagnosed.
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